'module' is a command-line front-end tool of pihdf

This tool is installed together with pihdf.


module [MPATH] [command] [options]

MPATH specifies a pihdf's module directory. The directory name is the same as the module name.

The supported commands are:

Command Description
new create a new module project from a [module_name].json file
add add a new top-level interface or parameter
remove remove a top-level interface or parameter
update re-generate the files of a module according to the content of the .json file.
test execute the unit tests for the specified module. Optional test name can be provided
convert convert the RTL myhdl description of a module to verilog
clean remove temporary files generated in the module's directory tree
delete delete all files and directories from the module's directory tree; keep the .json file
archive use tar -czvf to create a .tgz file containing the files from the module's directory tree
extract use tar -xzvf to untar a design which has been archived
help obtain information about the module's commands and additional useful information


Options are used with the following commands:

Command Description
add specify interface type or Parameter and additional flags within quotes
remove specify the name of the interface or parameter to be removed
update specify option recursive to update all designs in the specified MPATH
test specify the test name to be executed, or recursive, or with_coverage