
$ module [MPATH] update [recursive]

Command update re-generates the files, which are created with command new. This command is useful when, e.g., a module interfaces or structure changes. First, the corresponding .json file is modified capturing the changes.


For a hello_world example, the usage is:

$ module hello_world update

This command updates all the files according to the .json file (TODO: It does not update hello_world*.gtkw files). Custom code added in the files below is preserved during the update.

└── hello_world
    ├── src
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    └── test

Option 'recursive'

$ module hello_world update recursive

This command updates all available designs in the directory tree of hello_world. Useful when, for example, a new version of pihdf is installed and several module designs need to be updated.