
module [MPATH] test [options]

Command test executes the unit tests for the given module. The tests are specified in the corresponding utest*.py file. For a hello_world example, the tests are defined in:

└── hello_world
    └── test


$ module hello_world test

This command runs all available tests in file.

To run a single test:

$ module hello_world test test_003

This command runs only tst_003 if such a test exists in file.

Additional options:

$ module hello_world test recursive

This command runs all available tests in the directory tree of hello_world, including tests of sub-modules.

$ module hello_world test with_coverage

This command runs all available tests in and collect code coverage statistics.

The result is stored in:

└── hello_world
    └── out
        └── coverage_html

To look at the statistics, open file index.html in directory coverage_html.