
module help [topic]

Command help gives more information about certain topic. A topic can be a module's command or one of the following additional help topics:

Topic Description
interfaces list of supported interfaces
pihdf information about the content of pihdf


For example,

$ module help test

This will print the information about command test. The last topic uses command help to call the integrated python help function and to get information about the classes of pihdf. In addition, the help information about a particular class of these modules can be obtained by using the . (dot) notation. For example, the following command will print the information available for the class of the base hand-shake interface of pihdf:

$ module help pihdf.HSD

Similarly, we can get the available information of any class of the python installation, e.g.,

$ module help math.cos

will print the following information

Help on built-in function cos in math:

math.cos = cos(...)

    Return the cosine of x (measured in radians).